Contemporary Catholic Community

White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
South Africa Presence

Holy Orders

As Christians, we are all called to serve The People in the name of Jesus? Are you called specifically to serve as a Reader, Acolyte, Deacon, or Priest?

If yes to Reader, please refer to: Institute of Reader.

If yes to Acolyte, then please refer to: Institute of Acolyte

If yes to Deacon or Priest, then please refer to Preparation for Orders.

To enter into a conversation and discernment process, please contact Fr. Oliver. Vocation Director.

Many blessings to you and yours.
Peace and Jow!
White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
South Africa Presence


Those having difficulty with or do not wish their child baptized in their institutional church of origin will again find openness and acceptance with the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict.


Those having difficulty being confirmed in their institutional church of origin will, likewise, again find openness and acceptance with the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict.


Those experiencing religious differences with their institutional church of origin, those entering into a second marriage, and others without a particular religious affiliation will find openness and acceptance with the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict. Please see our FAQs re Marriage.

Wedding Anniversary

If you wish to re-new your Marriage Vows, please refer to Vow Renwal

Mass Schedule:

Daily Mass at the Chapel of Sts Sergius and Bacchus (Mondeor, Johannesburg): Monday to Saturday at 9 AM and Sundays at 10 AM.
All welcome to join our community at prayer. For details and to request Mass Intentions please contact Bishop Oliver.


Many times, families are not members of a local parish, but still seek comfort in their grief. The White Robed Monks of St. Benedict can provide comfort during these difficult time. Please see our FAQs re Funerals.

Contacting us

We welcome any inquiries, and are here for you to answer your questions and concerns, please contact our Guest Master now. Please click HERE for further contact information. Thank you. Peace and Joy!